Australian Hi-Fi

Ben Monder

| Amorphae | ECM 2421


Paul Motian’s death almost stopped this album in its tracks. Guitarist Ben Monder had planned a series of duets, but when the master-drummer died after two astounding tracks Monder had to rethink it. He added some solo guitar pieces of astonishin­g beauty, two duets with another lion of jazz drumming, Andrew Cyrille, and some trios with Cyrille and synthesize­r player Pete Rende. Monder and Motian were made for each other with their love of establishi­ng atmosphere with the tiniest musical gestures, much as a great painter might do with minimal brush-strokes. On Oh, What a Beautiful Morning they eliminate the song’s blitheness in favour of a startling evocation of the drama of dawn, with streaming effects from the guitar and primal drumming. Fans of Motian’s late-period abstractio­n must hear this. clarinet that further intensify this remarkable piece. Most of Fort’s work is tinged with sadness. But then that’s always been the shortest path to the most beautiful music, and Fort has an inbuilt flair for a gorgeous melody alongside her willingnes­s to experiment with form and to embrace open improvisat­ion. Trovesi is an inspired choice of collaborat­or, his keening clarinet sharpening the edge of her music at every appearance.

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