Australian T3



T3’ s mission is to help you find the best products for every area of your tech lifestyle. From traditiona­l gadget buys like phones and TVs to connected home security and sports sensors, if it can make your life better, we’re here to make sure you get the right one for you.

The products we feature are chosen by our expert writers, with years of experience in their key areas. We wouldn’t recommend something we wouldn’t be happy to live with ourselves – the tat is filtered out long before we print a page. This goes for reviews too – you won’t us wasting your time with products you don’t need to know about.

More than that, our aim is to make sure you get the most out of the things you buy, with in-depth guides to complex tech areas, tips on making better use of products, and recommenda­tions for add-ons that make your favourite gadgets even better.

We’re here to help you find things you’ll really love, and that make your life easier. Because we can all do with that.

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