Australian Camera




THIS CHECKLIST is designed to allow direct comparison­s between different camera models, here listed in price order within each brand. The published prices are mostly supplied by the distributo­rs as recommende­d retail prices ( RRPs). However, some distributo­rs are no longer supplying RRPs to the media so it has become necessary to determine an ‘ estimated street price’ derived from the range of prices for a model published by retailers. Where this has been necessary, the letter ‘ E’ appears at the start of the entry.

A dot appearing in a column indicates that the feature is available on the camera model listed. Where a specificat­ion or product detail hasn’t yet been published or confirmed, the letters TBA ( to be announced) or TBC ( to be confirmed) are used. If a feature is irrelevant to a particular model – such as mirror lock- up for compact system cameras – then n/ a ( not applicable) is used. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy; please send any correction­s to camera@ avhub. com. au

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