

Puzzles and prizes


Q1. Where is 90% of the world’s fresh water held?

Q2. Sea horses have six copies of which gene that is involved in gestation and hatching?

Q3. What is the name of the star that boasts seven newly discovered Earthsized exoplanets?

Q4. The genus of parasite known to cause malaria is called what?

Q5. Which plant is known to contain salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin?

Q6. What is the name of the first of the round objects identified in the Kuiper Belt that led to Pluto losing its status as the Solar System’s ninth planet?

Q7. Which German physicist was the first to describe – in 1916 – the theoretica­l possibilit­y of black holes?

Q8. Approximat­ely how many active land volcanoes does our planet host?

Q9. If all of Antarctica’s ice sheets were to melt, by how much would global sea levels rise?

Q10. According to the Internatio­nal Mineralogi­cal Associatio­n, how many of our planet’s 5,208 mineral types are anthropoge­nic?

Q11. By what percent have fatalities due to malaria fallen since the year 2000?

Q12. Described as a fluffy, feathered poodle from Hell, which dromaeosau­r related to Velocirapt­or has the largest feathered wings found on a dinosaur to date?

Answers will be published in issue 75.

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