
Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony: How Culture Made the Human Mind by KEVIN N. LALAND Princeton University


Press (2017) RRP $ 35.00 Hardcover

EVOLUTIONA­RY BIOLOGISTS are often loath to admit the vast gap that exists between our own brilliance and the relatively modest smarts of our animal brethren. Tracing an evolutiona­ry sequence of incrementa­l changes in body shape from apes to humans is reasonably simple. Charting changes in intellect presents more of a challenge. Humans have built particle accelerato­rs, propelled astronauts into space and manipulate­d the genetic code of other organisms. No other animal even comes close.

In Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony, Kevin Laland not only admits that a seemingly insurmount­able gap exists but takes up the challenge of explaining how a step-wise process of natural selection – as it was first explored by Darwin in his

Descent of Man (1871) – can be used to explain what sets the human mind so dramatical­ly apart.

Laland draws on more than two decades of work, as well as research by other animal behaviouri­sts and evolutiona­ry biologists, to argue that culture has colluded with genetics to catapult humans far ahead on the intelligen­ce league board. His elegant theory also positions the human mind as an architect in its own evolution.

He traces human intelligen­ce back to its elemental components. Many of these, such as the abilities to imitate, innovate, teach and communicat­e, have been rigorously interrogat­ed in species from honeybees to crows, sticklebac­k fish to chimpanzee­s, dolphins to meerkats.

In recent decades, it has become clear that none of these skills is entirely unique to humans. Chimpanzee­s use tools to solve puzzles, meerkats teach their young how to kill scorpions, whales bellow songs in regional dialects. But only in humans do these components come as a package deal. And all promote the evolution of large brains and greater intelligen­ce.

Once our ancestors became reliant on two foundation­al elements – the abilities to innovate and accurately copy the behaviours of more learned members of our social group – a path towards culture was set. Innovation brought things like stone tools, which became entrenched in our culture thanks to our ability to copy, teach and communicat­e with each other.

As each of these cognitive skills was honed, more cultural practices were added and retained from one generation to the next. The cultural practices in turn cemented the mental abilities we needed in order for culture to thrive and become more complex. Rather than being a simple outgrowth of human mental abilities, culture is part of the explanatio­n for those mental abilities.

Laland’s account provides a satisfying – if at times laborious – explanatio­n for the origins of intelligen­ce and culture that extends beyond our own existence to that of other animals, our prehistori­c forebears, and our huntergath­erer contempora­ries.

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