Cycling Plus




“Periods of heavy training have been linked to compromise­d immune systems in elite cyclists, which in turn can also lead to a higher incidence of upper respirator­y tract infections,” says Fell. To ensure there are no gaps in the nutritiona­l armoury, nutrition experts on the teams will recommend vitamin boosters, such as Health Span Elite Multivitam­ins and SiS Immune. 500mg of vitamin C per day – “This antioxidan­t protects cells from being damaged, particular­ly after intense periods of exercise, and contribute­s to normal collagen formation and normal function of cartilage.”

Calcium – “To maintain normal muscle function and provide support for normal bone health.” Entire vitamin B complex – “Reduces tiredness and fatigue.”

Iron – “Insufficie­nt levels of iron can result in fatigue and a lowered immune system,” says Fell. “This is because iron is a key substance in the red blood cells that carry oxygen in the body. But consult a GP or dietitian before taking supplement­s to ensure it is needed and an appropriat­e amount is taken.”

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