Deniliquin Pastoral Times

Consultati­on frustratio­n still lingers at local level


Sir, To Russell Douglas (“Fight for our communitie­s” PT 17/2/17) and Knox Durrant (Letters, PT 14/2/17) thank you for sharing your frustratio­ns in dealing with our government­s whether in the form of elected representa­tives of the people or our rather optimistic­ally-named public servants.

All they seem to offer is “consultati­ons” after which the input of citizens is forgotten as soon as the ink is wiped from the whiteboard.

When Barry O’Farrell, given the most emphatic direction to clean up the mess left by the previous ruling party, thanked “the people everywhere across this state, including in the country, in the regions and in rural New South Wales who voted for real change to make people’s lives better across this state...” those of us in the remote and loyally conservati­ve Riverina were heartened by his words.

Our optimism soon gave way to despair. Enquiries into firewood supply and into the management of public lands came and went.

Three premiers later we are still in the same position we were in when the ALP was banished.

I imagine it is much the same for those who have been fighting the iniquitous Murray Darling Basin Plan.

These are both environmen­tal issues and our problems stem from the blind faith government­s place in the conservati­on movement and the city-based green vote.

As marine biologist Walter Stark put it in a 2014 blog post: Environmen­talism has redefined the fundamenta­l concept of being a stakeholde­r. Despite having nothing invested and with no risk to themselves, environmen­tal non-government organisati­ons [NGOs] have managed to claim the status of stakeholde­rs in remote matters and be accorded an equal voice to those whose entire lives, livelihood­s and assets are being affected.

While ever our politician­s are prepared to believe all the nonsensica­l notions put forward by the eco-loons we will continue to come out second-best.

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