DNA Magazine




Dear Diva, My boyfriend has been a bit distant recently and I started having suspicions he was cheating on me. I’ve also found t hat he’s been on Grindr and Hornet. He told me he wouldn’t cheat but I don’t know if I can t rust him. If I make a big deal of t his I feel he’ll resent me.

Dear Suspicious, News flash! No-one’s on Grindr to trade apple pie recipes or share decorating tips. Your man is on there looking for ass. If you don’t like his roving eye you don’t have to tolerate it. Move on. Never compromise your happiness for that of another. #KEEPITREAL.

Dear Diva, My boyfriend shares too much informatio­n on Facebook. He posts everything he does every day. We had an argument last week and he posted about it on Facebook. I was liv id. Some of our friends were posting comments. I believe certain t hings should remain private. I love him, but I’m so angry with him and really want him to stop doing t his.

Dear Facebook F**ked, I get your anger. I don’t like over sharing on social media. Bitches feel the need to tell you what they ate for breakfast, when they shit, when they fuck! Too much! You need to have a serious conversati­on with your man. Your private discussion­s and disagreeme­nts should not be shared with the world. Remind him he’s not Kim Kardashian.

Dear Diva, I found out t hat my boyfriend spent t ime in jail 15 years ago. I was upset to hear t his f rom one of his friends and not from him. I’m not sure if we can get past t his.

Dear Prisoner Of Love, Bitch, please! First up, let him know that you are aware of his past and it bothers you that he didn’t tell you. Relationsh­ips are about openness and trust. But don’t fuck up a good relationsh­ip over some shit that happened so long ago. He made an error in judgment. We all make mistakes. You are not perfect and you don’t piss champagne. Okay, if he’s a convicted serial killer get the fuck away immediatel­y. If this is not the case, I wouldn’t let it come between you.

Dear Diva, My t wo best friends have been hanging out lately and not including me in t heir plans. We all attended college together and have always been close. I’m not sure why t hey are excluding me.

Dear Rejected, You need to call these bitches and ask them why they are no longer inviting you to hang out with them. Clear the air. Don’t let this shit fester. If you don’t ask, you will never know.

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