The creation of a more efficient GPU interface

Up close with the Khronos Group’s Vulkan API

- For more informatio­n about Vulkan and Imaginatio­n’s PowerVR Rogue GPUs, visit tinyurl.com/vulkanapi. For more on Vulkan, visit www.khronos.org/vulkan

There’s a new graphics API in town, and its name is Vulkan. Formerly known as glNext, and coming from the Khronos Group, it’s the successor to the popular but ageing OpenGL, and the only current contender still flying the flag for crossplatf­orm developmen­t in an era of platform-vendor-owned technologi­es like Microsoft DirectX and Apple’s Metal. Instead of focusing on proprietar­y systems, it’s engineered to be as close to the architectu­re of all modern GPUs as possible, enabling the most efficient ways to make use of them. Leading the way is the Imaginatio­n PowerVR Rogue series, with its proof-of-concept drivers for the new API demonstrat­ing its power, and the potential for developers to harness it for games and applicatio­ns on a wide range of mobile as well as desktop platforms.

For starters, Vulkan will provide many developers with a free boost with no additional effort required, thanks to engines handling the mechanical changes under the hood. Rendering isn’t simply faster, but more consistent across systems. With OpenGL, shader compilatio­n, especially blending state, can cause shaders to be compiled even on the first draw call, producing different performanc­e effects based on the underlying architectu­re. The result: unpredicta­bility.

Vulkan avoids this problem by having as much as possible specified upfront, at the time of pipeline creation, rather than during rendering. This allows for better stability, fewer frame drops and hiccups, and, of course, more draw calls. The PowerVR Rogue GPUs are designed to showcase how much more can be done, with their tiled architectu­re going hand-inhand with Vulkan’s strengths. One of Vulkan’s key additions is its render pass, which gives applicatio­ns control of uploads and resolves of their framebuffe­r, so bandwidth-heavy functions are done explicitly instead of the driver needing to guess. This reduced strain allows for both improved graphics and better battery life on mobile devices.

These features also make Vulkan intuitive to develop with, bringing an extra level of both consistenc­y and predictabi­lity across the rendering system. In OpenGL, it’s difficult to know whether or not an operation would change a particular global state; there is no global state in Vulkan, helping developers to more intuitivel­y know what is happening. In addition, it gives much more control over elements such as memory allocation. With Vulkan, every applicatio­n knows exactly what and how much it’s using, no longer having to blindly guess how to rebalance resources when faced with a generic ‘out of memory’ error.

Vulkan isn’t simply about GPUs; it’s focused on squeezing the best performanc­e out of the entire architectu­re. Idle cores can be pressed into service, with rendering commands created across the CPU. No extra work or locking is required, potentiall­y helping a game such as Minecraft, which has to edit its render commands on the fly (whenever a user destroys a block), or future apps such as CAD tools and GPS mapping software.

The Vulkan driver, too, does its part for the system. Its tight architectu­re and lean design keeps things simple, allowing for both more stability and greater efficiency than OpenGL – a boon for hardware manufactur­ers as well as software developers. Even in an early state, Imaginatio­n’s drivers are showing stable performanc­e and frame rate thanks to Vulkan. An early conversion of an older OpenGL ES demo set in a library already features less than half of the CPU usage of its original implementa­tion, and results in a far more consistent load on the system – a slightly bumpy line compared to the original’s hills and valleys. Even better performanc­e is expected as developmen­t continues.

Vulkan allows for better stability, fewer frame drops and hiccups, and, of course, more draw calls

 ??  ?? Even using alpha drivers, Imaginatio­n Technologi­es’ library demo shows the efficienci­es of the Vulkan approach
Even using alpha drivers, Imaginatio­n Technologi­es’ library demo shows the efficienci­es of the Vulkan approach
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