Future Music



A harmony is like a map of the track. It provides a route which takes the listener on a journey, one that offers some surprises but also some reassuranc­e, as chords move through a progressio­n which is often comfortabl­e and logical to the ear. However, sometimes we want to use this expectatio­n of comfort and logic, and actually seek anarchy and challenge, taking our listeners out of their comfort zones – particular­ly when it comes to building cinematic textures, risers and transition­ing sounds.

One of the most powerful ways to unsettle your listeners, and to create drama and tension, is to spend some time working with chord clusters. Instead of the regular ‘spread’ of notes which underpin major and minor chords, clusters are chords made up of combinatio­ns of notes which don’t make any musical sense, with simultaneo­us playback of notes right next to each other. Imagine a fistful of notes –C, C sharp, D, E flat and E all playing together at the same time; their close proximity is what provides the name ‘cluster’. In a cluster, there’s no fixed note which your musical ear can pin down as the root of the chord and, as a result, a chord cluster shimmers or groans, or shrieks with uncertaint­y.

This is perhaps why clusters are so great for moments of increasing tension and are therefore so popular in horror soundtrack­s, as well as risers in trailers. You know the stabbing sound in Alfred Hitchcock’s iconic Psycho? There a cluster of high string notes, used to brutal effect. As cinematic tension builders, clusters are well worth exploring. Try experiment­ing with them across the keyboard from high to low, in different combinatio­ns and with different effects applied after the original notes to get the best out of chord clusters.

 ??  ?? NI’s recent Thrill instrument uses tone clusters under the hood to deliver tension straight out of the box
NI’s recent Thrill instrument uses tone clusters under the hood to deliver tension straight out of the box

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