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When you buy a car that is a cut above the rest you want to take just a little bit of extra care of it. By having it serviced by Hunter Cuthill & German Automotive, you will get that extra care and attention to detail. Operating in Autumn Street, West Geelong for nine years co-owners Adam Hunter, Gordon Cuthill and Ben Buckle use their combined 70 years of experience to keep your car running like the well-oiled machine you first bought. While servicing the top brands of BMW, Jaguar, Landrover, Peugeot, Renault, Volkswagon, Audi and Mercedes-Benz, that will not mean you will be paying top dollar.

“Our point of difference from the dealership­s is that we are approximat­ely 30% cheaper across the board for doing what I believe is better quality work,” Mr Hunter said. “We are all geared up to dealer level, our computer equipment does everything on all the models we specialize in and we use genuine parts.”

Hunter Cuthill & German Automotive want to keep you mobile so they offer quick turnaround­s, free loan cars and the policy of getting it right first time. Customer service is a high priority.

“We offer a very personaliz­ed service. A lot of our customers have been coming here for a long time and we get along well with them. We try to exceed their expectatio­ns with everything we do. We always get work authorized with costs prior to completing them. We take a lot of photos of our work which helps the customer understand what they are paying for and to know what they are getting,” said Mr Hunter.

It all starts with getting the right team together.

“Everyone seems to enjoy working here. They are very enthusiast­ic, experience­d and work well as a team,” said Mr Hunter. “When we employ people we look for the character of the person number one. As long as their effort and attitude is in the right place we can train them in the rest.”

With follow up calls after every visit Hunter Cuthill & German Automotive offer extra care and attention to detail for both you and your car.

 ??  ?? Adam Hunter, Gordon Cuthill and Ben Buckle of Hunter Cuthill & German Automotive
Adam Hunter, Gordon Cuthill and Ben Buckle of Hunter Cuthill & German Automotive

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