
Dreaming of an anti-racist world

We didn’t choose to live in a world where we are unfairly judged because of our skin colour.

- Words Hemma Vara

I’d love to live in an anti-racist world. Don’t get me wrong; this is not a world where we say we are ‘not racist’ and go about our day. It’s a world where we actively fight against ours and other’s racist beliefs and actions. Racism is any behaviour that prejudices or discrimina­tes against individual­s based on their racial or ethnic identities. Here are some ways in which we can foster an anti-racist world.

We treat everyone we encounter the same

regardless of whether they look or sound ‘different’ to us. We don’t let racial difference­s cloud our judgements, or make harmful assumption­s about others.

If we do find ourselves stereotypi­ng others based on race,

we take a step back to think about these racist beliefs, even if this makes us uncomforta­ble. Racial stereotype­s lead to disparitie­s that negatively impact an individual’s life experience, whether it’s through schooling, applying for jobs, or dealing with the authoritie­s.

We call out our mates for racist behaviour,

including a racial slur shared amongst friends, a harmful ‘joke’, or disrespect­ing a person of colour to their face.

We are anti-racist with authentici­ty.

Being anti-racist is not the same as posting a quote on Instagram about anti-racism because all our friends are doing it. It’s also not about including a single person of colour on your board or committee ‘for the diversity thing’.

If you don’t agree with or care about the above, perhaps because you aren’t affected by racism, I urge you to put yourself in the shoes of a person of colour. Believe me when I say that we didn’t choose to live in a world where we are unfairly judged because of our skin colours, our names, and our cultures.

And if you still don’t agree or care, how about this: racially diverse communitie­s and workplaces foster better creativity and innovation than their counterpar­ts. All I’m saying is, don’t be afraid of the unknown. I promise you that an anti-racist world is better for all.

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