Gourmet Traveller (Australia)



Efficient sterilisat­ion is the key to successful jam making. You need to ensure you eliminate all food-spoiling yeasts and moulds that are present in your ingredient­s and in the jars you will fill.

Fruit that is cooked with sugar to the correct temperatur­e and clean glass jars that have been heated to 110°C are going to preserve your jam for at least 12 months.

To sterilise your jars, wash them in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Place them, open-side up, on a baking tray and put in an oven preheated to 110°C and leave for 30 minutes. To sterilise lids, clips or rubber seals, place in a pan of water over high heat, bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes, then turn off heat and leave to rest.

I advise you to begin the sterilisat­ion process when setting point is reached. You can always turn your oven off and leave the jars resting in the warm oven before using them – just don’t allow them to become cold. Hot jam should always go into warm jars and be sealed with warm lids so that a seal is formed inside as the warmth pushes the air out.

You can also turn your jars upside down to help push out the air but be careful with high-pectin fruit as they will set quickly and you’ll have levitating jam.

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 ??  ?? This extract from Five Seasons ofJam by Lillie O’Brien (Hachette, hbk, $39.99) has been reproduced with minor GT style changes.
This extract from Five Seasons ofJam by Lillie O’Brien (Hachette, hbk, $39.99) has been reproduced with minor GT style changes.

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