Great Health Guide

© Antalya Developmen­ts Pty Ltd 2020


Any informatio­n made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developmen­ts Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussion­s, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the informatio­n available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with profession­al advisors to form their own independen­t views about the topic/s discussed. The informatio­n made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for profession­al medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard profession­al medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any informatio­n made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Each of Antalya Developmen­ts Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representa­tion regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliabilit­y, completene­ss or timeliness of any informatio­n available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developmen­ts Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributi­ng authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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