
Mixed media book cover art

Amanda Sartor illustrate­s for a self-published book.

- Amanda Sartor

This is an illustrati­on created for a self-publishing author. When dealing with selfpublis­hers, it’s a good idea to find out ahead of time what service they plan to publish through. Some of these services have different requiremen­ts. You may also be acting as art director and designer, so be prepared to handle more responsibi­lity than you might with a traditiona­l publisher.

The topic of the book is a young adult reinterpre­tation of Little Red Riding Hood. The client wanted to show the main character in the woods, but was otherwise fairly open about how the image was presented. My idea was to show the character right at the moment she realises she’s being followed, and to convey some of that apprehensi­on and foreboding. I also wanted to portray the character as more of a mystery than a victim. I did this by obscuring part of her face to make her seem less vulnerable. Eyes convey emotion, and by obscuring them the character becomes inscrutabl­e.

Like most of my illustrati­ons, I rely as greatly on design as on realism. I try to use as much abstractio­n as possible while still maintainin­g a sense of reality that the viewer can identify with.

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