


If you click the Settings icon at the top left on the Advanced Color Selector (ACS), you’ll be able to adjust that Selector and another, called Color Sliders. Even though it may seem unnecessar­y to adjust these settings at first, some changes applied to them can make your colour selecting easier.

A. General tab

Here you can choose a Color Space for your Advanced Color Selector (ACS) without changing the whole colour profile of your image. For example, while working on your painting in RGB mode you can choose to switch your ACS to Grayscale or CMYK Color Space. You can also choose what will happen to the Shade Selector when you shrink the ACS and determine the nature of the zoom for your Selector.

B. Color Selector tab

You can choose what type of selector you want to work with: HSV, HSL, HSI or HSY. As you click them a descriptio­n will open to the right explaining each type separately. You can also choose the shape of the selector. Not everybody likes the default triangle shape of the Advanced Color Selector. I personally prefer the one on the top right.

C. Shade Selector tab

You’re able to adjust the look of your Shade Selector, too.

D. Color Patches tab

Here you can adjust how the Color History is going to be displayed: how many patches, their size, count and location.

E. Color Sliders tab

This setting actually affects a different Docker. Here you can choose what kind of sliders are going to be visible in the Color Sliders Docker.

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