
Help me design a cockpit of a small spaceship

Corey Martins, US



Tony replies

The original and prequel trilogies have a very different visual feel, and that’s only partly due to the decades between them. More importantl­y, the two stories they tell are different. Episodes IV-VI are all about desolate planets, primitive peoples and a struggling rebellion. As such, the ships from those movies tend to look like they’ve been maintained on a tight budget. Episodes I-III, on the other hand, take place largely on advanced worlds, often in the midst of royalty. These ships are more likely to be slick, polished machines kept in pristine condition.

It’s worth noting that the original X-wing cockpits look more like old fighter planes than modern jets. The films’ ships interiors all have far fewer buttons, lights and gauges than your average 747. In contrast, real-life planes have instrument panels busier than a shopping mall on Christmas Eve. It could be the advanced technology, the astromech droid, or just the fact that it’s more visually appealing, but I’ve yet to see a ship in a Star Wars product that has so many instrument­s.

 ??  ?? When you’re all done putting together the interior of your ship, take some time to make things look
like they’ve been thoroughly used.
When you’re all done putting together the interior of your ship, take some time to make things look like they’ve been thoroughly used.

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