
Animated live-action


Some new anime has gone back to one of the oldest animation techniques: rotoscopin­g One of the more unexpected trends in recent Japanese animation is for some titles to use old-fashioned rotoscopin­g, where live-action film is painted over to create non-cartoony animation. (An American example is Ralph Bakshi’s animated Lord of the Rings from 1978.) The TV serial Flowers of Evil uses rotoscopin­g to moody, menacing effect, telling a story of teen bullying and obsession in a small town. The feature film The Case of Hana and Alice is far more benign, a kooky comedy-drama in which two teen girls investigat­e a rumoured murder. It’s a prequel to a live-action film from a decade earlier, simply called Hana and Alice.

 ??  ?? The Case of Hana and Alice is about two kooky amateur detectives, who have previously been introduced in a live-action film.
The Case of Hana and Alice is about two kooky amateur detectives, who have previously been introduced in a live-action film. GIRL DETECTIVES
 ??  ?? Flowers of Evil takes its title from the French poetry of Charles Baudelaire.
Flowers of Evil takes its title from the French poetry of Charles Baudelaire. POISONED FLOWERS

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