Linux Format

Let’s get logging


Before getting some initial set up done, I wanted to quickly look at the work needed on the clients (in this case our many Linux systems). I’ll admit that previously I’ve had misgivings about installing Java specifical­ly just to run a log-forwarding agent (albeit it Logstash is written in JRuby), especially in developmen­t shops that didn’t want to touch Java with a bargepole. Luckily, the agent element of Logstash has now evolved into a project called Beats which are lightweigh­t processes written in Go. There are a number of different Beats available. I’m specifical­ly looking at Filebeat which replaces the old logstash-forwarder applicatio­n. In actual fact, these agents can dump data directly into Elasticsea­rch if needed (but that means missing out on some of the cool transforma­tional stuff Logstash can do).

Now onto the main event: getting everything up and running. Elastic maintain its own package repositori­es with the usual distro selection available. I’ll stick to my usual Ubuntu 14.04 setup, which I’m sure is getting boring for many of you! I’m going to install the ELK stack on one VM to begin with and then have some clients send it some logs before looking at some of the ‘fun’ stuff in the next issue.

Take a look at­osSetup which details public keys involved etc. The steps can be summarised as follows: $ wget -qO -­search | sudo apt-key add - $ echo “deb­rch/2.x/ debian stable main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ elasticsea­rch-2.x.list $ sudo apt-get update Note: This specifical­ly avoids using add-apt-repository as there is no deb-src repo available. Here I’m using 2.x as the version, following Elastic’s recommenda­tion. I won’t cover installing Java (a prerequisi­te for installing Elasticsea­rch itself) which comes with the usual ‘official Oracle packages’ vs OpenJDK dilemma (it should be fine, according to Elastic and was what I used here).

Installing Elasticsea­rch is as simple as running $ sudo aptget install elasticsea­rch . This will download about 28MB. Ubuntu will install it as a service as expected if installed via apt which can be kicked off with $ sudo service start elasticsea­rch .

Jumping over to /var/log/elasticsea­rch and taking a look at elasticsea­rch.log should show everything up and running (heavily edited output here)

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