Linux Format

Next month................ 98.

Dig out that dust-gathering Pi – we have cool projects and fun tricks to try with the world’s favourite SBPC.


After fasting since celebratin­g the birth of Jesus, we’re ready to fill back up with delicious Raspberry Pi. Yum!

Machine learning

We dive into the future of smart systems and our robot overlords. Sexier than computatio­nal statistics!

Get a better NAS

We love network-attached storage, you love it and our mum loves it! So let’s get the best NAS performanc­e.

Contain this!

It seems the entire Linux world is going container mad. We explore this new exciting technology.

Cloud backup made easy

Secure, robust and easy backups are the dream. Time to make that a reality with an LXF bespoke solution.

Contents of future issues subject to change – we might be too full of delicious pie to compute pi on our Pis.

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