Mac Format

Mac friends


Each month I always check out the User Groups section, hoping a new MUG for the Cambridge area has been created by someone. I expect there is a fairly large Mac user base around Cambridge and would love to meet up with fellow Mac users.

Do you get many enquiries from the Cambridge area, and if not can we ask for interested members? I would be happy to organise something but would need a little help finding potential members. Dylan Morton Christian Hall says… We’re glad to read that you’re interested in MUGs and starting a group of your own, Dylan. Your first port of call should be to chat to Mac Users UK (, which describes itself as “the home of all Macintosh User Groups in the UK and Ireland”. You could try contacting or even travelling to a MUG in a neighbouri­ng area to make connection­s there. Some of its members might know people closer to your area who would also like to see a Cambridge MUG. Readers, let us know if you’re interested in joining Dylan’s group.

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