
To The Moon


A heartbreak­ing tale of love and loss $4.99 Developer X.D. Network,­nc Platform Universal Requiremen­ts iOS 7.0 or later First released in 2011 on PC, To The Moon remains one of the best examples of a narrative told in a game. You play as two scientists, working for a company that is able to alter the memories of dying people in order to make them believe that they achieved their life’s wish. You begin the game at the house of Johnny, an old man on his deathbed, already unconsciou­s and unable to help. His wish is clear, though: He wants to go to the moon, though he can’t remember why.

It’s up to you, the two scientists, to travel through his memories in reverse chronologi­cal order, gradually piecing together what happened and figuring out a way to perfect and shape it into a life where Johnny goes to the moon.

The game itself is simple: it may look like an old-school role-playing game in the vein of Pokémon, but it’s not. There’s little interactio­n beyond finding objects that will take you to the next memory, and while this may be frustratin­g if you’re expecting a jam-packed adventure, the lack of bombast makes the sweet, sad story shine all the brighter.

To The Moon makes for a great mobile game, as it’s simple, easy to play, and able to be taken in bite-size chunks. Make sure you listen to the music, too – it’s one of the most wonderful game soundtrack­s, with plaintive, melancholi­c piano that fits the mood perfectly.

The bottom line. To The Moon was excellent in 2011, and now it’s excellent and portable. A must-play. Kate Gray AWESOME

 ??  ?? To The Moon employs a pixel-art style that’s reminiscen­t of old-school Japanese RPGs.
To The Moon employs a pixel-art style that’s reminiscen­t of old-school Japanese RPGs.
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