Maximum PC

Build a BitTorrent Box


GRAB YOURSELF SOME storage—an external hard drive, large USB stick, or similar—and hook it up to your Pi, because it’s time to fill it with Linux ISOs and historical artifacts from Using a Pi as an always-available torrent client makes sense; the protocol is based on sharing and availabili­ty, but leaving your main PC ramping up your electricit­y bill isn’t the right way to go about hosting that data. Run Raspbian, install torrent client Transmissi­on with sudo apt-get

install transmissi­on-daemon , then

immediatel­y stop it with sudo service

transmissi­on-daemon stop , so that we can edit its configurat­ion file. Run

sudo nano /etc/transmissi­on

daemon/settings.json to do so. Find the line that says “rpcwhiteli­st,” and add a comma after “” followed by—if your network hands out IP addresses in this range—“192.168.1.*” and tweak that address range if required. Then head to “rpc-authentica­tion-required,” and change its value from “true” to “false.” Exit Nano with Ctrl-X then Y, and run sudo service transmissi­on

daemon start to set Transmissi­on running again. You should now be able to log in to Transmissi­on’s web interface from any machine on your network, by pointing a browser at, for example,, switching the IP address for that of your Pi.

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