Mercury (Hobart)

Teen pregnancy targeted


fence conviction­s in total.

Forensic psychiatri­st Hadrian Ball told the court Green was diagnosed with anti-social personalit­y disorder.

Dr Ball said Green told him he was aware of the effect of his acts and that staff were “petrified” of him.

Green’s lawyer Michelle Mainwaring said Green was a victim of institutio­nalisation and a dangerous criminal declaratio­n would “obliterate” any hope for rehabilita­tion.

She said there was a question over whether he could be considered a threat to the public given he would remain in prison for some years still.

Chief Justice Blow reserved his decision on the applicatio­n.

In July, the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute released a paper outlining the need to reform the dangerous criminal legislatio­n because there was no provision for post-release conditions or periodic review. A FAMILY planning group will develop an app to reduce unplanned teenage pregnancy on the North-West Coast, thanks to philanthro­pic funds.

Family Planning Tasmania’s project, LARC4U, has been awarded $100,000 from Impact 100, a group of philanthro­pists who donate to charitable organisati­ons.

Impact 100 Tasmania members donated $1000 each and then voted where the $100,000 would be distribute­d.

This was the project’s first year in Tasmania, with FPT chosen from 39 applicants.

FPT chief executive Cedric Manen said Impact 100’s funding would enable partial developmen­t of an app and education approaches with youth, community and health profession­als in the NorthWest to reduce unplanned teenage pregnancy.

Mr Manen said they would do this by increasing access to Long Acting Reversible Contracept­ion (LARC) to prevent unplanned teenage pregnancy, thus increasing educationa­l attainment and workforce participat­ion

Mr Manen said a key to reducing unintended pregnancy was to use more effective, less user-dependent methods of contracept­ion, such as implants and intrauteri­ne devices.

Impact 100 chairman Charles Badenach said: “The developmen­t and rollout of Family Planning’s new app will empower young people to exercise choice in the timing and spacing of their children”.

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