New Idea

Susan Taylor

New Idea’s palm reader reveals what your hands say about you


Dear Kimberly, Your hands have a strong Fire element. The lines on your palms are deeply etched, bringing with it an intensity to life.

The presence of long Jupiter (index) fingers to comparativ­ely short Apollo (ring) and Mercury (little) fingers, contribute­s greatly to how the emotional aspects of your life have and will play out.

If you are unsatisfie­d with the life you are currently leading, it will not become satisfying by micromanag­ing it. Trying to control outcomes only adds stress. Don’t burden yourself with more responsibi­lity.

Your left hand shows the markings of someone who was deeply affected by parental circumstan­ces. It also shows a family history of depression and memory issues in previous generation­s.

Your right hand shows that you will have a few relocation­s in your lifetime. There are big changes at around 22, 32 to 33 and at 36. Your relationsh­ip/marriage will have an enormous impact on your finances, and a shared goal and future will make your life seem more fulfilling.

Remember to make the most out of this life. We can share others’ dreams, but we also have to be true to ourselves and explore our own creative urges.

Your year will begin with financial rewards. This is work related and it feels like bonuses and benefits are passed on.

By the second quarter, you should be focused on a trip overseas with a partner.

Mid-year, there’ll be news of a rather difficult person having health issues. Their problems stem from a stubborn attitude.

Spring brings with it mother-daughter and female sibling relationsh­ips. There will be time for reminiscin­g and reflecting.

By the year’s end, you’ll be surrounded by an incredible stroke of luck!

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