
02 shoot in poor conditio Ns

Blue skies are boring – learn to love the days when there’s some drama in the clouds


You can take fantastic landscape photograph­s anywhere if the weather is doing interestin­g things

Dan Ballard, Landscape photograph­er

Working hand in hand with looking for good light is the idea of shooting in adverse weather conditions. While most of the world thinks of a day with clear blue skies as ideal, photograph­ers feel exactly the opposite. A clear day is one of the worst outlooks I can see in the forecast when on a photo trip – days of endless rain and overcast skies may be the actual worst, but nothing but blue is not far behind.

Ideal conditions exist somewhere in between the two, such as when a storm is moving in or out, or when there are numerous clouds but plenty of blue can still be seen. When conditions are bad (good for photograph­y) you always want to be out shooting. Even if you live in a less-than-stunning area, you can take fantastic landscape photograph­s anywhere if the weather is doing interestin­g things.

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