
5 Rules for compositio­n

You have to know the rules before you can break them...


1 Rule of thirds

Divide your scene into three with imaginary horizontal and vertical lines, then place points of interest, like a person or horizon, on these third lines.

2 Natural frames

Use natural frames in the scene, such as a doorway, a window, or even an array of branches, to surround your subject, drawing attention to it.

3 Leading lines

Look for lines that run through an image, like a road or a wall, and position your subject so that the lines lead towards it, drawing the viewer’s eye to what’s important.

4 Golden triangle

Draw a diagonal line between two corners of your image, then run a third line perpendicu­lar from the line to the other corners. Place the subject on the intersecti­on.

5 Golden ratio

The ratio of 1:1.618 appears throughout nature and art. Make a square, sized one unit, then add on an extra 0.618. Add a square on the long side to create the next rectangle, and repeat to find the sweet spot.

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