Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Enlarged Prostate – It’s a Man Thing

Here’s how to find relief for a common condition in older men


Men, are you noticing that it’s taking a bit longer these days to, well, go? Do you find yourself looking for the nearest bathroom? Don’t be embarrasse­d. Every other man your age probably has the same problem.

An enlarged prostate, technicall­y known as benign prostatic hyperplasi­a (BPH), is a common health problem among men aged 60 and older. The prostate is a gland that creates and releases the fluid that makes up much of your semen. It surrounds the urethra, the thin tube that carries urine from your bladder to outside your body. As you age, your prostate gets larger and presses on the urethra, like a clamp on a garden hose, turning the stream into a trickle.

BPH is not usually life threatenin­g, but symptoms can have a major impact on your lifestyle. If your GP confirms BPH, you may be offered medication or surgery, or you may be able to handle it yourself by doing the following: STOP DRINKING at least two hours before your normal bedtime. CHOOSE DECAFFEINA­TED One cup of coffee or tea in the morning is fine. But after that, ask for decaf, as caffeine is a natural diuretic.

CHECK YOUR PILLS If you’re taking diuretics for high blood pressure or heart failure, talk to your doctor. A lower dose or even a different medication could help reduce trips to the bathroom. Also avoid reliance on decongesta­nts and antihistam­ines as these drugs can tighten the band of muscles around the urethra, making it harder to go.

DON’T WAIT Don’t try to hold it in. Visit the bathroom at the first urge so you don’t overstretc­h your bladder.

TRY SAW PALMETTO An analysis of 21 clinical trials with more than 3000 men concluded that the herb worked better than a placebo to improve symptoms of enlarged prostate and inadequate urinary flow, and worked about as well as a widely prescribed medication.

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