Reader's Digest Asia Pacific



1. The symbol for iron, Fe, comes from what Latin word? 2 points 2. The velocipede was the forerunner of what modern mode of transport? 1 point 3. If your last name is ‘Fletcher’, one of your ancestors probably made or sold what object? 2 points 4. What is the main religion of Bangladesh? 1 point 5. What language supplied us with the term klutz? 1 point 6. From what movie is the quote “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”? 1 point 7. What are the first leaves to appear in a germinatin­g plant? 2 points 8. In which country is the Cape of Good Hope? 1 point 9. How many Earth-sized planets were discovered orbiting a star called TRAPPIST-1 in February 2017? 2 points 10. Why is the banoffee pie so named? 1 point 11. True or false: The Old Testament Book of Leviticus prohibits the consumptio­n of all seafood that is not fish. 1 point 12. Which countries does the Gobi Desert span? 2 points 13. Are Dalmatian puppies born with or without spots? 1 point 14. Do identical twins have identical fingerprin­ts? 1 point 15. True or false: Actor Harrison Ford expressed the wish to see his character Han Solo die before the making of Return of the Jedi? 1 point

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