Science Illustrated

Your immune system is improved by natural infection


When a person becomes immune to a disease, it means that his or her body can remember it and has prepared itself to encounter it again. Our immune systems combat all contagious diseases by producing antibodies and memory cells. The antibodies kill the attacking virus or bacterium, and the memory cells remember it for next time. This means that the infection is fought so efficientl­y that we will not even get sick, if we encounter the same pathogen again. The mechanism is the same in connection with vaccinatio­ns. The doctor injects a harmless portion of the disease, often a protein from the surface of the virus particle, into the patient’s body. When we are infected in the normal way, the body gets a fuller image of the virus or bacterium, but vaccines provide more than sufficient informatio­n to obtain the desired result, so in practice, it is not an advantage to have the disease.

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