Science Illustrated




Now with more orangutan objections!

1. Each of the three times in 1985 that orangutan Ken Allen escaped from his enclosure at San Diego zoo, what did he do? 2. Which African animal has the species name “camelopard­alis”?

3. During Germany’s “hyperinfla­tion” period in the 1920s and ‘30s, workers were paid in wheelbarro­ws full of cash. What did they most fear losing, if robbed on the way home?

4. Which species of eucalypt has the widest distributi­on (is found in the most places) in Australia?

5. Which is the densest planet in the Solar System? 6. Which biennial plant has an enlarged taproot to provide sugars for growing a two-metre stem topped with clusters of hermaphrod­itic “umbellets” and a distinctiv­e red central flower? 7. How long is the average Australian life expectancy, in gigasecond­s?

8. How much profit, in US dollars, has social media platform Twitter made since it was founded in 2006?

9. Despite being made of 98% recyclable materials, what are Australian­s hoarding 23 million of in their desk drawers and cupboards?

10. What could you have bought for US$1 in February 2011 and sold for US$3000 on 12th June 2017?

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