Science Illustrated

What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is an alternativ­e type of medical treatment based on the theory that a diluted substance can cure a person of symptoms which large doses of the same substance will cause in a healthy person.

Homeopathy proponents claim that insomnia can be cured by caffeine, which has been diluted in water. Onions are also believed to be efficient against hay fever, as in normal concentrat­ions, it irritates the eye and nose of healthy people. A homeopathi­c drug, Allium cepa, which is extracted from onions, is consequent­ly used against hay fever, by which the eyes and nose are irritated. The reputable Cochrane research database concludes that there is no documented positive effect of homeopathy.

 ??  ?? Homeopathy has no documented positive effects, so the treatment is considered to be alternativ­e.
Homeopathy has no documented positive effects, so the treatment is considered to be alternativ­e.

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