Science Illustrated

The classical theory builds too small holes

The first giant stars left black holes. So far, astronomer­s thought that the holes subsequent­ly grew into the first supermassi­ve black holes, but this theory cannot explain a new discovery that formed only 690 million years after the Big Bang.



180 million years after the Big 1 Bang, the first galaxies form. Dark matter attracts hydrogen, which is cooled and gives birth to huge stars, that almost only consist of hydrogen.


The giant stars live shorter 2 lives than modern stars. When they have consumed all the fuel in their cores via the fusion process, they explode into supernovas.


If a huge star is sufficient­ly 3 massive, its core is compressed into a black hole in the explosion. The holes weigh up to 100 solar masses.


The black holes immediatel­y 4 begin to grow bigger by their masses attracting gas from the surroundin­gs. The bigger the black hole is, the more attraction it has.


690 million years after the Big 5 Bang, the holes have grown into supermassi­ve black holes with masses of more than two million solar masses, but they are not monster- sized.

from the neighbouri­ng galaxy could have split the molecules into atoms, which are better at holding on to the heat, so the gas is not cooled. Instead, the entire gas cloud becomes unstable, sending its mass towards the centre. The gravity from the high concentrat­ion of mass in the cloud’s core makes the matter contract very much, and the cloud finally collapses to give birth to a large seed corn.

According to the theory, the process particular­ly took place in small satellite galaxies, in which star formation was delayed in comparison to the mother galaxy. In such a system, radiation from the mother galaxy can easily reach the satellite galaxy and prevent the formation of stars. Instead, the satellite collapses into a medium black hole: a seed corn for an early monster hole.

New telescopes to find evidence

If the theory is correct, medium-sized black holes will shine like small, weak quasars, when, after a short while, gravity from the mother galaxy attracts the hole to consume the galaxy’s gas.

NASA’s new James Webb space telescope, which will be launched in 2012, stands a good chance of spotting radiation from the remote seed corns. It has a primary mirror of 6.5 m, almost three times bigger than the mirror of its predecesso­r, Hubble. So, the new space telescope has such sharp vision that it will probably be able to see the light from the old seed corns. The James Webb telescope’s chances of discoverin­g them are improved by the fact that the telescope will be working within the wavelength­s that the small quasars are believed to emit, as they grow. When a large seed corn of a million solar masses is absorbed by the mother galaxy and starts to consume gas, the black hole could in some cases consume so much gas so quickly that the hole’s mass exceeds the mass of all the stars in the mother galaxy combined for a brief period of time. A fat black hole will shine like a bright quasar and with a special signature in infrared wavelength­s of 1-30 micrometre­s.

If James Webb spots the cosmic fingerprin­ts of quasars with fat black holes, it will be evidence that the seed corns of the early monster holes were formed by large, collapsing gas clouds in the young universe.

Gravitatio­nal waves reveal holes

The theory could also be proved by means of astronomer­s’ new super tool: observatio­ns of gravitatio­nal waves.

Some of the seed corns of the first supermassi­ve black holes probably collided in the young universe to emit gravitatio­nal waves, which are still flowing through space. Since 2016, the LIGO detectors in the US have captured gravitatio­nal waves from four collisons between black holes the size of stars. Unfortunat­ely, gravitatio­nal waves from collisions between medium and supermassi­ve black holes have wavelength­s of 100,000+ km, and consequent­ly, the waves are too long for detectors on Earth to capture.

So, astronomer­s must wait until 2034, when ESA launches the LISA space detector, to capture long gravitatio­nal waves from collisions between supermassi­ve black holes. The system consists of three satellites placed in a triangle with five million km in between them. When gravitatio­nal waves from a collision between two supermassi­ve holes flow through the triangle, the satellites shift slightly in relation to each other, which can be measured with laser beams.

Within two decades and based on observatio­ns made by the James Webb space telescope and measuremen­ts by the LISA detector, scientists could have solved the mystery of the origin of the universe’s oldest known object.

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 ??  ?? When NASA’s new James Webb space telescope is launched, it can test scientists’ leading new theory by searching for special light from a quasar with a huge black hole.
When NASA’s new James Webb space telescope is launched, it can test scientists’ leading new theory by searching for special light from a quasar with a huge black hole.
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