Science Illustrated

Gonorrhoea bacterium is the world’s strongest organism

It makes sex organs "burn" with pain, but the gonorrhoea bacterium is also very strong.


Boxing experts talk about the power of boxers based on weight classes. If they did the same in the animal kingdom, the winner would neither be the bear nor the elephant, but rather the tiny Neisseria gonorrhoea­e, which causes the gonorrhoea venereal disease. Scientists have demonstrat­ed how the bacterium can interlace its individual pili – thread-like appendages that are used for motion – into an ultra-strong rope. And using the rope, it can pull up to 100,000 times its own weight – more than any other organism in the world. If we were just as strong, we would be able to pull as much as 7,000 tonnes. The bacterium uses its amazing powers to hold on to victims.

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