Scuba Diver Australasia + Ocean Planet


- By Tobias Friedrich

The El Ikhwa Islands, commonly known as the Brothers Islands, form one of the most famous marine parks in Egypt. After the first divers visited the two islands at the beginning of the 1980s, the area became a protected marine park in 1986.

The region became very popular in the years after and it is now one of the most well-regarded dive spots in the Red Sea.

About 50 nautical miles east of El Quesir, the two islands, Big Brother and Little Brother, are located in the open ocean where there is great visibility and lots of life, though not forgetting the strong current that can be a challenge for inexperien­ced divers. Though the islands are only a five-minute boat ride apart, they offer a lot of different diving opportunit­ies.


BIG BROTHER ISLAND – Known for its iconic lighthouse, Big Brother Island is a wreck diver’s dream. In the northwest corner, two wrecks lie on the seabed: Numidia and Aida. While the Aida, sunk in 1957, begins at 29 metres and reaches down to 63 metres, the vertical-standing

Numidia ranges from 10 metres and stretches all the way to 80 metres. It is one of the most beautiful coral-covered wrecks in the world, with reels of colourful soft corals lining both sides of the wreck at 30 metres. Another great dive is on the south plateau. Grey reef and thresher sharks can be spotted here, often encountere­d between 50 to 100 metres.

Oceanic whitetip sharks are also a common sight, easily accessible at a mere five metres.

LITTLE BROTHER ISLAND – There aren’t any wrecks here, but Little Brother Island is an exquisite dive site for shark and reef lovers. Divers may visit the shark cleaning station by the 40-metre plateau on the north side. The trick is to remain next to or above the plateau. On the west side of the island is perhaps one of the most beautiful wall dives in the world, while the east side features a garden of huge gorgonian fans. The south offers plenty of possibilit­ies to see sharks, especially the wandering oceanic whitetips that love to swim under the boats.

 ??  ?? BELOW The famous lighthouse of
Big Brother Island
BELOW The famous lighthouse of Big Brother Island
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