the Last Dragons LaYer

Fforde Focus


released 3 april 2016 | pG | dVd

Director Jamie Magnus stone Cast ellise Chappell, andrew Buchan, Matt Berry, pauline Collins

A female teen learns it’s her calling to bump off a race of fantastica­l creatures? The Last Dragonslay­er won’t win any prizes for the groundbrea­king nature of its premise. In fact, from its Harry Potter-ish magical world to its Discworldy quirkiness, there’s a lot that feels a tad over-familiar about this Sky 1 Christmas Day offering, adapted from the first of Jasper Fforde’s Chronicles Of Kazam novels.

What it lacks in originalit­y, however, The Last Dragonslay­er just about makes up for in charm, as young orphan (that’s another cliché ticked off ) Jennifer Strange is reluctantl­y pushed towards fulfilling her destiny. In Fforde’s alternativ­e Britain, aka the unUnited Kingdoms, magic is on the wane, technology is on the rise, and market forces – led by the sinister StuffCo – want to expand their interests beyond the magical barrier that keeps the human and dragon worlds separate.

This world-building is arguably what The Last Dragonslay­er does best, with the unconventi­onal mix of medieval knights and royalty, and 20th century tech like cars and gramophone­s giving the drama a freshness it lacks elsewhere. It’s also got a decent cast, from newcomer Ellise Chappell as Jennifer, through Game Of Thrones’ John Bradley as an unlikely assistant slayer, and Pauline Collins as a snarky-butwarm elder witch.

But mostly this skews a little too close to average: visually it’s quite impressive, it’s quite funny, and the plot is quite engaging. And because it isn’t really a standalone (its conclusion the beginning rather than the end of the story) there is a slight whiff of anticlimax come the closing credits.

Extras None. Richard Edwards

A final book in the series is in the works. It’s had two working titles: Strange And The Wizard and Humans V Trolls.

 ??  ?? “Behind you!”
“Behind you!”

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