We also heard from


The Llama God (“There’s one thing that Age Of Ultron gets very, very wrong – the complete lack of pert bottoms”); Keith Tudor ( again, catching his breath after watching the spectacula­r Mad Max: Fury Road); Ann Hodnett ( whose husband spotted a similarity between a Hexenbeast in Grimm and Victoria Beckham); Mike Garner ( again, who thinks Grimm has got interestin­g all of a sudden – presumably you’re a Spice Girls fan, Mike); Neil Hickman (“Can’t believe you guys reviewed the trailer for Pixels and didn’t mention the bit from Futurama’s “Anthology Of Interest”, which has pretty much the same plot”); Robert Cassidy (“I’ve been enjoying The Flash immensely, but it occurred to me that Star Labs is freaking enormous yet only seems to employ three people. Not even a janitor in sight”); Dell Searl (“Just watched the last episode of Forever, I can’t believe they are not making anymore”); Steve O’Brien ( formerly of this parish, who sent us a picture of an SFX numberplat­e – next time, send us the car too, Steve); Koppite47 ( wanting more costumes in Gotham and Agents Of SHIELD. “Surely Bruce Wayne can begin his evolution into Batman. Daredevil is trying it!”);

Mike Bridgeman ( pointing out that the “farm boy” in Near Dark is played by Adrian Pasdar and not Bill Paxton as we claimed in SFX 261); Muhammad Maaya ( sad that he’ll have to wait a whole year for the next season of Daredevil); Kev Crossley ( it ’s either time travel or Photoshop – we’ve called in the experts and we’re still not sure); Drew ( wishing us a happy 20th birthday, and wishing he’d kept the first four issues of the mag from all those years ago); Phil J Hill ( looking forward to the third season of Hemlock Grove);

Andy Kinnear ( I’m more worried about homegrown British sci- fi than US TV at present); and many, many more…

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