Into what dark corners of Gotham would you like to see Ben Affleck steering the Batmobile? Look to the skies, Warner Bros – SFX readers have sent a Bat-signaL BLazing into the cLouds. here’s What they Want from the soLo Bat-movie

- Illustrati­on by Paul Garner

What you guys and gals want in Ben Affleck’s Batman movie.


1 A lot of you seem to think the character’s origins in Detective Comics have been forgotten! In the words of Brian stabler, “A bit of detecting wouldn’t go amiss. Batman is, after all, supposed to be the World’s Greatest Detective!” @amberkrakn is singing from the same hymn sheet. “Have Batman solving a case involving just normal criminals.”


2 The news that this movie will feature assassin Deathstrok­e has gone down well. Lesser-known villains got more mentions than the likes of the Riddler and the Penguin. “Anarky can always use more love (the real one, not the imitators since),” says alan Wilkinson. There were also votes for Clayface, Mudpack, Mad Hatter, Music Meister and Baby Doll.


3 sean Bonau was among those keen on seeing the Boy Wonder – and not just so we can see the character meet a gruesome end, we think! matt christian supplies a twist on the theme: “Nightwing! Or at the very least a Dick Grayson cameo.” A few of you also proposed gender-swapping the character.


4 When you weren’t ranting about recasting Batman, preferably by bringing back Christian Bale, you were slating Suicide Squad’s take on the Clown Prince of Crime. “The actual Joker, not the pimp clown,” oliver Fitzsimmon­s complains. “We seriously need Jared Leto to be revealed as a former Robin…”


5 If there’s one thing nobody wants, it seems, it’s to see Bruce Wayne’s parents gunned down in an alley with pearls cascading onto the sidewalk again – or any other elements of the Dark Knight’s rise. “No origin story!” is the cry from the likes of Jason Burke and ryan Weavell, clearly keen to see Batman just getting the hell on with it.

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