
released OUT NOW! 320 pages | Hardback

Authors George Mann, Justin richards

Publisher BBC Books

This one’s ambitious – a book charting the total history of the Doctor Who universe, from the Big Bang to the end of time. That’s 53 years of TV and untold billions of years of fictional reality. Whew.

The trot through the Doctor’s adventures is brisk to the point of remorseles­sness but it’s fun seeing how the authors tie all the strands of chronology together.

There are some wonderful, impression­istic illustrati­ons – some concept art for the revived series, some new paintings of old series monsters. We particular­ly love a painting of the Cyber-King stomping through Victorian London.

The book fudges the UNIT dating controvers­y (“the later years of the 20th century”). Wusses!

Squishy vinyl cover. Nice.

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