
released 29 septeMber 15 | 91 minutes

Director Ivan I tverdovski­y Cast Natalya pavlenkova, Masha tokareva, aleksandr Gorchilin

Natasha (Natalya Pavlenkova) is lonely. Her colleagues bully her, she has nothing resembling either a romantic or a social life and, in her fifties, she still lives with her mother. Then, one day, she grows a tail.

The first time you see her new appendage, it’s repugnant – a fleshy, twitching thing the length of an arm. And yet, rather than bring her pain, it seems to awaken something in her. When people in her religiousl­y conservati­ve seaside town gossip about a bestial woman among them, she finds it amusing rather than upsetting. Implied to be a virgin, her sexuality awakens and she embarks on a sort-offling with a young doctor.

Ivan Tverdovski­y’s film is low on plot, high on gloomy atmosphere and utterly engrossing. It’s both a portrait of an ageing woman in a society that had shunned her even before she grew a tail, and a humane comedy about her blossoming self-confidence. Pavlenkova gives a tremendous and moving performanc­e: initially sad and contained, later joyful, defiant and angry. Indeed, the whole – mostly female, mostly middle-aged – cast is excellent.

The ending, however, marks a depressing shift from empowering fable to slightly muddled political allegory. Very nearly a great film, Zoology ends up as merely a very good one instead. Will Salmon

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