Country News

Get fired-up safely for winter


As the temperatur­e drops and Victorians turn up the heat, Environmen­t Protection Authority Victoria is encouragin­g households with wood heaters to take practical steps to help reduce smoke from their heaters over winter.

Reduced air quality across parts of Melbourne and regional Victoria last month was partially attributed to wood smoke and still weather conditions.

EPA Applied Sciences Group manager Anthony Boxshall said many of the air pollution problems associated with wood heating could be minimised by following some simple tips that make the wood heater safer, cleaner, and cheaper to run.

‘‘We know that wood heaters and fireplaces continue to be a valued source of heating for many Victorians, particular­ly those living in regional Victoria,’’ Dr Boxshall said.

‘‘Wood heaters that aren’t maintained or operated correctly can produce a lot of smoke.

‘‘It will help your wood heater to operate correctly if you have your flue profession­ally checked and cleaned before winter begins.

‘‘Ensuring it’s clean and free from obstructio­ns will help prevent flue fires and unnecessar­y smoke, and ensure the heater operates efficientl­y.

‘‘Checking the wood heater’s operating manual can also be very useful — it will help people to understand how their heater operates and how to use appropriat­e fuel.’’

Dr Boxshall said people should also ensure they use dry, seasoned and untreated wood.

‘‘Damp wood creates more smoke as it takes more heat to evaporate the water before the wood will burn.

‘‘More efficient, less smoky, fires will also warm your house better.’’

Dr Boxshall said reducing wood fire smoke also helped to minimise any health impacts.

‘‘When wood is burned, very small particles and gases are released into the atmosphere, contributi­ng to air pollution.

‘‘This can cause problems for people with breathing difficulti­es and respirator­y conditions, resulting in symptoms for some people.’’

Dr Boxshall encouraged people to reduce their use of wood heaters and fireplaces on still days and to go outside occasional­ly to check their chimney for smoke.

‘‘Overall, Victoria’s air quality is very good,’’ he said.

‘‘This is mainly due to a range of initiative­s and controls introduced over the years that have reduced emissions from industry, motor vehicles and banning backyard incinerati­on in residentia­l suburban areas.

‘‘Whilst the impact of a single wood heater may be small the cumulative impact on air quality, particular­ly through autumn and winter, is significan­t — but many of the air pollution problems associated with wood heating can be prevented or minimised by operating your heater correctly.’’

EPA said people should never burn household rubbish, driftwood or treated wood, such as pine or old painted wood, in their wood heaters. ■ For more informatio­n on wood burning and the environmen­t, visit: www.epa.vic.­t/air/wood-burningand-air-quality

 ??  ?? Less is more . . . Take care with wood heaters over winter to reduce the amount of smoke they produce.
Less is more . . . Take care with wood heaters over winter to reduce the amount of smoke they produce.

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