Country News

Stature study ups our profile


Agricultur­e Victoria scientists have attracted global attention for world-leading work in cattle genetics, with the recent publicatio­n of a paper in the prestigiou­s journal Nature Genetics showing that tall cows have a lot in common with tall people.

The paper, titled Metaanalys­is of genome-wide associatio­n studies for cattle stature identifies common genes that regulate body size in mammals, is the world’s largest-scale study into the genetic basis for body size in cattle.

The research has revealed that body stature in cattle is controlled by thousands of genes, and that some of the key genes are the same as those that control height in humans.

Agricultur­e Victoria researcher Hans Daetwyler said the finding was significan­t in extending understand­ing of the bovine genome.

‘‘In Australia, we already have a system in place for sophistica­ted cattle genetics,’’ Dr Daetwyler said.

‘‘In recent years, we have improved the reliabilit­y of breeding values for dairy cattle, and implemente­d complex traits including fertility and heat tolerance.

‘‘Height is a well-studied and complex trait in genetics. However, this research is the largestsca­le study to investigat­e the genetic basis for height, or body stature, in cattle.’’

The research was undertaken as part of the 1000 Bull Genomes Consortium project — an internatio­nal collaborat­ion of 36 partner institutio­ns that has sequenced 2700 entire bull genomes since 2012, including key ancestors of the Australian dairy herd.

Scientists undertook metaanalys­is for stature using more than 58 000 cattle from 17 dairy and beef population­s, with 25.4 million imputed whole genome sequence variants.

Agricultur­e Victoria scientists at the AgriBio Centre for AgriBiosci­ence in Bundoora, Victoria, substantia­lly contribute­d to the analysis, using AgriBio’s next generation sequencing and advanced scientific computing capabiliti­es.

The paper was published in Nature Genetics and can be found at: 2C9odPM

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