Style Magazine

Get the low-down on crystals with Tiona Pemberton ........


Iwill be the first to admit that sometimes in life I need a little help in the department­s of self-love, contentmen­t and confidence – which all boils down to “positive energy”. Recently finding out the extraordin­ary abilities of crystals, has opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilit­ies where accessorie­s can officially make or break our mood.

Crystals are not only beautiful, aesthetica­lly-pleasing stones; they bring healing properties for the mind, body and soul.

They are believed to promote the flow of good energy and remove the negative energy for both physical and emotional benefits.

Different crystals bring different abilities to your life.

The Jasper crystal brings empowermen­t as well as confidence and helps reduce stress, Citrine brings joy, optimism, enthusiasm and also helps with creativity, and Obsidian promotes strength, clarity and compassion emotionall­y and physically helps with cramps and pains.

There are also crystals for each zodiac sign and each of those crystals come with their own healing abilities.

Mallow and Thyme’s owner and founder Tiona Pemberton believes that she was been drawn to crystals for unexplaine­d reasons her whole life, and believes that each crystal has a unique attribute that it can bring to your everyday life.

“I 100% believe, based on my experience, that crystals have an extraordin­ary ability to lift your mood. Some crystals inspire me to be creative, others empower me and help me overcome blockages,” Tiona says.

”Whether this comes down to the aesthetic and physical beauty crystals have to make you feel good or something that’s deeper; what I think is important to focus on here is what each unique piece makes YOU feel,” she says.

“I’d say this is why so many people are so intrinsica­lly drawn to them.”

As a creative, I love to hear and see behind the scenes of other creatives and their thought processes of how and why they created their collection­s or ranges. Being a fashion designer, I create my whole collection­s to suit and reflect the season of life that I am in.

Tiona shared her creative views around how her jewellery collection reflects her seasons of life.

“One month I might be drawn to Smokey Quartz because I’m needing to feel a little more grounded and calm (healing benefits of this crystal) so you’ll see multiple of this crystal type available to purchase,” she says.

“I think that’s what’s so unique about Mallow & Thyme: nothing is fixed, all of my pieces are constantly changing like the cyclical nature of the world we live in.

“When people purchase a crystal they know it’s one-off, and it’s just for them,” Tiona says.

Crystals are officially the must-have accessory in my wardrobe now because not only are they aesthetica­lly beautiful, they help boost my mood and help me get through different seasons of life.

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Taurus Gemini Cancer Virgo Scorpio Sagittariu­s Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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