The Australian Oil & Gas Review


APGA chief executive


The Federal Government will drop chief scientist Dr Alan Finkel’s proposed Clean Energy Target in favor of a National Energy Guarantee. Newly appointed Australian Pipelines & Gas Associatio­n (APGA) chief executive Steve Davies spoke with Elizabeth Fabri about the feasibilit­y of this new energy policy, and the importance of gas to the future energy supply mix. Describe your education and profession­al background.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Petroleum Engineerin­g from UNSW. However, by the end of my studies I knew I preferred economics to engineerin­g.

I wasn’t interested in further study at that time and after a couple of adventures, I found myself working at the Australasi­an Railway Associatio­n in Canberra in a junior policy role. This allowed me to get into policy developmen­t and industry associatio­ns, where I have been ever since.

The Federal public service is a huge employer in Canberra and offers a lot of opportunit­y.

I spent three years there in a variety of offshore petroleum policy and regulatory roles in the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (the Petroleum Engineerin­g degree came in useful after all!) and had the opportunit­y to undertake a Master of Public Policy too.

The experience of working in the public service was enough for me to know I preferred the more dynamic, small team environmen­t of industry associatio­ns.

I joined APGA (then known as the Australian Pipeline Industry Associatio­n) in 2008 as the policy adviser and have been here ever since, becoming the national policy manager in 2014 and the chief executive in September 2017.

Q. What does a typical week look like for you?

APGA operates 12 committees, ranging from energy policy to pipeline operations and the Young Pipeliners Forum which makes for a wide range of issues to be across.

APGA holds more than 30 events annually around the country, so a lot of travelling is involved.

I try to take advantage of being on the move by maintainin­g a busy schedule of meetings with external stakeholde­rs in the places I’m visiting for APGA events.

Focus on energy policy has been intense in 2017.

Gas transmissi­on pipelines have not been exempt from this, we have five major reforms and reviews under way, all focused on different aspects of pipeline regulation and capacity markets.

Coordinati­ng the industry position and then communicat­ing it to stakeholde­rs is a major part of my job every week.

Q. What are your views towards the Government’s National Energy Guarantee and how does this stack up to Dr Alan Finkel’s original proposal?

I hope the National Energy Guarantee will prove to be effective, and that it offers a vehicle for the major parties and the Federal, State and Territory Government­s to agree on the future direction of energy policy.

While we’ve seen only a little detail, the policy proposal appears to create a level playing field through balancing reliabilit­y of electricit­y supply with the requiremen­t to lower carbon emissions.

In that sense, it’s superior to the Clean Energy Target, which was concerned only with establishi­ng an emissions intensity benchmark.

Of course, significan­t detail remains unresolved and this will be key. Good policy cannot be replaced by assertions, and the nation does require a comprehens­ive energy policy that aims to deliver reliabilit­y, emissions reductions and more affordable energy.

Delivering all three of those elements will be incredibly challengin­g and, ultimately, may be unachievab­le.

It is great to see the Government focusing on the high-level policy settings the nation desperatel­y needs.

Government’s role is to set the policy framework and allow investment to pick the most efficient ways of achieving the policy goals and we need more of it.

Q. You’ve mentioned that gas should have an expanding role as renewables are added to the energy mix. Can you elaborate?

Right now, gas is the technology that is in place to provide responsive, dispatchab­le electricit­y to account for variabilit­y in renewable energy supply.

There’s a lot of focus on batteries and that’s understand­able – this emerging technology is innovative and captures the imaginatio­n.

But Australia already has a lot of gas peaking power stations installed, with sunk capital, ready to rapidly add supply when required. And I have no doubt it will.

Another opportunit­y exists to convert into hydrogen excess electricit­y generated, say, on very windy days.

The hydrogen can be injected into existing natural gas networks and used for energy. Projects proving this technology are already under way in Australia and overseas.

Q. What are your views on the east coast gas shortage?

Firstly, we have to stop thinking of this as a gas challenge: it’s an issue for the entire energy sector and solutions might continue to elude us if we focus on only one part of it. The energy sector is complex and interconne­cted and this is why we need a holistic national energy policy so that changes in one sector – for example the growth in the contributi­on of renewables to our energy supply – do not have unforeseen negative impacts in other parts of the sector.

Gas supplies around half of the energy required by Australia’s industry, commerce and households, so we must ensure that we have enough energy supply to meet that demand.

It is important that State and Territory government­s find ways to enable gas exploratio­n and investment to occur.

We have had many independen­t and well-respected inquiries into gas extraction methods in Australia, such as the one carried out by the NSW chief scientist.

That inquiry and all of the others have found that risks can be appropriat­ely managed with the right combinatio­n of industry technology and expertise with Government oversight and regulation.

I encourage State and Territory government­s to increase awareness and understand­ing of these findings.

Q. What advice do you have for someone who wants to pursue a career similar to yours?

If you want a career in industry associatio­ns, it’s vital you learn to be comfortabl­e doing lots of different things.

Most associatio­ns have small teams and everyone needs to pitch in.

For policy developmen­t, the most important skill is communicat­ion. If you can’t communicat­e your ideas and position simply, you will not get far.

As someone who took a round-about path to this destinatio­n, the best piece of career advice I ever got was ‘learn to be good at something’.

The skills you develop in becoming good at something will serve you to learn new skills and become good at more things.

When you find something you really want to be good at, or even the best, at, you’ll know how to go about it.

“We have to stop thinking of this as a gas challenge: it’s an issue for the entire energy sector and solutions might continue to elude us if we focus on only one part of it.”

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