The Gold Coast Bulletin





Yesterday, we talked about heeding the voice inside you. But there’s a difference between listening to a voice, and blindly following its commands. I don’t want to cast doubt, but there’s a reason why our brains often supersede our gut instincts. If we acted on only the animal part of our nature, how much of the modern world would have come to fruition? We might never even have mastered the art of fire! Whatever you start this weekend, judge it with a quiet mind; your fears will be unfounded.

For your spookily accurate Dark of the Moon forecast, call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Our dreams are often the cause of drama in our lives. ‘How so?’ I hear you ask. Well, consider this: dreams create our inspiratio­ns… we want them more than anything else. We’ll do what it takes to make them come true - even if that means making sacrifices in other areas. Recently, you’ve been overwhelme­d by an intense situation. But what are your options? Of course, you could give up on your aspiration­s... but where would that leave you? Hold on to what you believe in, this weekend.

It’s the Dark of the Moon; your future can be changed. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Relationsh­ips can be difficult to understand. Following the Solstice, you’re finding yourself pondering this more and more. You’re wondering about someone. You’re unsure of exactly what you mean to them – and vice versa. This isn’t to suggest that you should cut yourself free. Uncertaint­y is not a bad thing. Re-evaluating people allows you to free yourself from those who might be dragging you down. It’s also a chance to recognise how truly fortunate you are.

There’s news you need about tonight’s powerful New Moon. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

‘It’s the end of the world as we know it!’ sang R.E.M. It must be the doom-mongers’ theme tune. But they can never agree why it’s nigh. A new bacterial plague perhaps? Asteroids, plummeting towards us? A zombie uprising. An alien invasion perhaps all three. Thankfully, none of the above is about to happen. The portents are good. Soon you’ll be basking in muchdeserv­ed sunshine. Even the doom-mongers will be whistling a different tune. Is that Bobby McFerrin I hear? Don’t worry - be happy!

It’s the Dark of the Moon; your future can be changed. Call 1900 959 005. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23

Commitment­s play complex roles in our lives. Some give us purpose. They become an integral part of the identity in which we take a deep and enduring pride. Others feel like burdens that restrict our lives. The other thing about commitment­s is that their status is unstable. One day, you wake up, and something that you were once pleased about feels like a set of chains. You’ve been feeling like this about an obligation. This weekend, don’t worry. Circumstan­ces will change.

There’s news you need about tonight’s powerful New Moon. Call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

What if I started your forecast by telling you that I didn’t really like what you’re wearing? It would hardly make you receptive to what I had to say! No matter how beneficial the rest of the words were, they’d fall on deaf ears, made hard of hearing by criticism. Of course, I don’t know what you’re wearing. But I do know that your astrologic­al outlook is looking pretty good this weekend. And, you can maximise its effect by creating a better impression in a key relationsh­ip now.

For your spookily accurate Dark of the Moon forecast, call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

There’s a reason famous brands are as successful as they are and, no, it’s not that they’re better! We buy them because they’re well known - because if everyone else thinks they’re good then they must be the best. But we’re paying for prestige. There are millions of other products that are just as good - and cheaper. So much is wasted by placing value on the wrong things. This weekend, it’s worth re-evaluating your priorities. Don’t waste time on people and situations that aren’t worth it.

There’s news you need about tonight’s powerful New Moon. Call 1900 959 005. LIBRA SEP 24 - OCT 23

Most people can’t predict the future. But though they might not be able to know exactly what will happen at 11.10am on Saturday, if you ask them something more abstract, many folk find that they’ve a better idea than they might imagine. If, for example, I asked you which of your friends were likely to party too much on Saturday, you wouldn’t need to consult an oracle to see! It’s common sense, rather than prophetic insight. And it’s only common sense that you need to guide you now.

For your spookily accurate Dark of the Moon forecast, call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

Some people notice fine details. Not everyone can distinguis­h between a Braeburn and a Royal Gala; or the Fast Car 3000 and the Fast Car 3001. To some, it’s just an apple, or just a car- and that’s all it needs to be. To others, though, there’s a joy in making the distinctio­n. Such things matter in an area of life that matters to you. Honour the details of something you care about this weekend. Your care can help avoid, or help mop up, confusion created by someone’s carelessne­ss.

It’s the Dark of the Moon; your future can be changed. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

Your astrologic­al outlook is still hopeful. There’s much to be cheerful about. There are clear signs that point to an upturn in your circumstan­ces, surprising­ly good news, and fresh opportunit­ies. Positive though it is, the cosmic climate isn’t providing a magic wand to wave away all unfairness, and grant you unlimited wishes. It does however suggest that justice is closer in one specific area of your life. While one desire is no nearer to being fulfilled, another is brought within your reach.

For your spookily accurate Dark of the Moon forecast, call 1900 959 005. SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22

It’s about journeys for you this weekend. Venus links to one of your rulers, Pluto, sitting in a part of the sky that represents short trips. While your other ruler, Mars, is in the part of the sky that speaks of longer sojourns. Mars also makes a dynamic link to the planet of adventurou­s travel, Jupiter. But, much like this forecast, it’s important not to be distracted by details. Some things only make sense when you see the bigger picture. Take things how they come, you’ll soon see how they’re all connected.

It’s the Dark of the Moon; your future can be changed. Call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

Have you ever looked at the people you love, and found they seem like strangers? Suddenly, nothing quite adds up? You can’t remember what it was that made you choose them, or what made them choose you. Why you ever thought that you were compatible? Perhaps they’re thinking the exact same thing. Is that a reason to call a relationsh­ip quits? No, not at all! It’s an invitation to find a new level of communicat­ion. Devote more time to something you fear is a lost cause this weekend.

There’s news you need about tonight’s powerful New Moon. Call 1900 959 005.

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