The Gold Coast Bulletin





The past is used as a mirror through which the present can be interprete­d. But it provides a gateway to the future too. Men, for example, modelled themselves on great warriors, and learned to emulate or avoid actions to win in battle. This shaped the future of nations and cultures. Although it’s hard to imagine any other time apart from now, the boundaries between past, present, and future are blurrier than we think. And, like a great warrior, you’ve more control over your own destiny than you suppose you have.

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Being a decisive Leo, now that you’ve made your mind up on a pressing matter, you just want to get on with it. After all, you’ve spent quite a time considerin­g the best way forward. And now, just as you’ve settled on a solution, events have come along to obstruct your plans. The astrologic­al forces - not least the Full Moon - are asking you to reconsider. It doesn’t mean that you need to grab the handbrake and do a full U-turn. That would be too much. A subtle readjustme­nt will take you to where you need to be.

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

It’s wonderful to see a team working well. The level of trust and support are palpable when the chain that links the members together is strong. And, it’s challengin­g when you find yourself having to work with strangers, or, when that bond of trust has not been forged. You feel as if your recent efforts have gone unrecognis­ed. As if no one has noticed the sacrifices you’ve made towards community progress. Even though you’re feeling taken for granted, don’t let that stop your efforts or your ideas. Appreciati­on is on its way.

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

If you expect bad things to happen, you somehow extend them an invitation. You don’t manifest them, but you make it easier for them to come into your life. Problems seem to be attracted to people who have trouble on their minds. So let’s turn our minds to the opposite of trouble. Does opportunit­y follow a similar pattern? If you were wondering where to bestow favours and grace, a sign saying ‘opportunit­ies invited’ would be enough for you to stop, take a seat and make yourself feel at home. Keep that in mind today.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23

On the flight home from a family trip to Ireland, we shared a Kit Kat from the food cart. Once my three-year-old had finished, he looked at the flight attendant and said matter-of-factly ‘that man will give me another ‘chit-chat’.’ ‘You’ve had enough chocolate,’ I protested. But to my shock (on this budget airline), the steward gave him another bar, for free. ‘See Daddy, see he did!’ he shouted, defiantly victorious. Perhaps you should act more graciously than this, but if you think positively today, you’ll soon have plenty to be pleased about.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

Only 100 years ago, if somebody had looked at the moon and said, ‘I’d like to go there,’ folk would have thought they were crazy. And with good reason. It’s an absurd idea, isn’t it! It raises the question: which worlds would open to us if we only dared to dream? Such is the power of the human mind. It’s all about attitude. Knowledge and experience help, but if you believe that something isn’t possible, how can you achieve it? That’s why you need to be brave today. Whatever it is that you want to do, but think you can’t, imagine that you can.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

My son gets confused in a rather delightful way. Recently, he’d put his shoes on, but got them on the wrong feet. To soften the blow, as I changed them. I told him that it was ‘my fault’. Later, when we were rushing to nursery, I explained that I’d got caught up with something, which was why we were short of time. ‘You’ve got lots of faults, Daddy!’ he cheerily - and rather accurately - remarked! We all make mistakes. But, what can seem like an error to one person, is amusing to another. Don’t be too quick to judge yourself this weekend.

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. LIBRA SEP 24 - OCT 23

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge tells the story of a sailor who kills an albatross guiding his lost ship. The bird is a portent of good luck, and, its death brings countless misfortune­s to the ship and crew. The mariner eventually escapes his curse and lives to repeat the tale to others. This poem reminds us that the laws of fortune are neither a curse nor a blessing. Today, though, they’re helping you into a position from which, if you use your ingenuity and ability, you’ll be able to turn things to your advantage.

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

Ghost-hunting shows, filled with dark and deadly spirits, seem to be very popular. There’s always something spooky to watch. Even the History Channel airs ‘specials’ about haunted houses. If you believed in that world, you’d probably never leave your house! It’s a good thing we’re critical, questionin­g creatures. We know that the world is never as dark as our imaginatio­ns. Of course it’s still easy to get carried away. Don’t let your vivid imaginatio­n get the better of you today. What you’re worrying about is not as bad as you fear

Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the solution you’ve been searching for. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

When it comes to bodies, we generally accept the fact that vulnerabil­ity is part of the package. Though we might be a little resistant, we take ourselves off to the doctor when we need to. Yet our hearts are a different matter. You’re worrying that asking for help will make you too vulnerable. That in revealing a softer side of yourself, you’ll expose yourself to emotional injury. Having your guard up keeps others out, as well as you boxed in. What do you stand to gain from putting down your defences? If you lower them today, you’ll see.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005. SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22

‘Life is ten per cent what happens and 90 per cent how you react to what happens.’ A wise woman told me this. And, though the quote originated from a Texan pastor, the idea is an old one. What we experience holds power over us only when we let it. That isn’t to say that we should feel guilty for being sad, hurt or angry. But it’s possible to give too much power to the circumstan­ces we find ourselves in. Sometimes, our guilt traps us into feeling bad. Today, if you allow yourself to confront what you’re feeling, you can move on.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

At last, you’ve arrived at a conclusion. Yet, where you should be experienci­ng great relief, you’re filled with doubt. What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy with the decisions you’ve made? Could it be that you fear that this isn’t the right choice, or that you could have found a more agreeable solution if you’d kept looking? Actually, it’s more likely that you’ve been so invested in a problem that you no longer want to see it solved! Your attachment is understand­able. But you can trust your judgement. The decision you’ve made won’t disappoint.

As the Moon grows full, it brings a chance for positive transforma­tion. Call 1900 959 005.

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