The Gold Coast Bulletin





As Shakespear­e said, ‘All the world’s a stage.’ We are actors, and our lives are a performanc­e. We all receive applause sometimes, and criticism at others. And, it’s easy to look with envy when we see others receiving accolades. But what’s going on backstage, for even the most revered amongst us, is certainly less glamorous than we imagine. As Venus makes a tricky link to your ruler, focus on your strengths instead of making comparison­s. You’re at your best when you’re true to who you are.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Yesterday, we talked about how you’ve grown. There is, of course, a difference between growth and change. A pip may seem mightily different from an apple tree, but it comes from the same energy. The fruit they produce provides a useful case study, as every tree bears apples that taste different to its parent tree’s fruit. You don’t need to abandon your rich traditions. Nor does everything have to taste the same. There are some interestin­g ideas and flavours to explore this weekend.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 - DEC 21

Venus recently moved into your opposite sign, making your powers of persuasion particular­ly powerful. You don’t need to be the negotiator in a complex hostage situation to take advantage of your skills… you can use them with your nearest and dearest this weekend. Someone has been sapping your energy recently. As Venus and Mars link forces, you can renegotiat­e this relationsh­ip so that it works for both of you. Clear communicat­ion will move you positively forward.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21

A part of your life is feeling a little more safe and secure. About time too! But, just before you sit down to relax and watch your favourite box set, the cosmos brings a developmen­t to challenge you. Are peace and prosperity to be so short-lived? Actually, by calling on your inner strengths and new-found selfawaren­ess, this will merely underline and promote your growth. With clarity and kindness as your companions this weekend, you can move to an even stronger position.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23

You’re surrounded by supportive people. But, just because you’re close to someone doesn’t mean you’ll automatica­lly agree on everything. This weekend brings a surprising moment of discord. Rest assured, all that’s needed is an open-hearted discussion. What initially appears to be an unpleasant disagreeme­nt can become grounds for a strong alliance. You may even look back on these interactio­ns with fondness. Especially if you learn from them, and take steps in the right direction.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20

Everything in life is relative. We know we’re happy because we’re not sad. We know we’re secure because we’re not anxious. And sometimes, we find ourselves on a destructiv­e spiral, constantly seeking difficult experience­s in an attempt to make the good things shine more brightly. But a greater contrast doesn’t lead to greater happiness. You’ve been feeling confined, and may be tempted to push at anything that you feel is restrictin­g you this weekend. A subtle solution will present itself.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 22

We enjoy observing other people’s mishaps and adventures. Their lives are fascinatin­g and, with celebrity status awarded at the drop of a hat, intimate moments – that should be private are splashed in magazines and websites for us all to see. So it’s hardly surprising that we think other folk’s lives are more interestin­g than our own. The situation you’re dealing with is unique to you. There’s no need to make a comparison with anyone. Be confident in yourself. You’re handling it well.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. LIBRA SEP 24 - OCT 23

Sometimes, an issue arises that we can’t shake off. Even if we can shift it from the forefront of our minds, we’re left fidgety. Whether it’s playing with your hair, or drumming your fingers, that nervous tick seems to be back. This weekend, something doesn’t feel quite right. Whether you know the cause, or can’t put your finger on it, don’t be tempted to spend hours questionin­g what it means. That’s not time well spent. There’s a straightfo­rward solution. Try to meet it head on.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19

You find yourself at a junction, with different routes stretching out in front of you. Are you desperatel­y wishing away your options? Wouldn’t it be easier with just one clear path to follow? The irony is that sometimes, a single road feels restrictiv­e and you’d give anything for an alternativ­e. There’s no getting away from making a decision this weekend. If a solution seems too simple, then it’s probably because it’s correct. Taking the easy option will lead you to a delightful destinatio­n.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005. CANCER JUN 23 - JUL 23

There’s been a revival of the The Crystal Maze. It’s a TV game show where contestant­s, aided by teammates, complete crazy challenges to win crystals. I love it when one of the helpers shouts, ‘Get the crystal!’ What a great phrase to use when you’re telling someone to do something obvious that they’re already doing. Yesterday, we talked about daring to be vulnerable. That’s a bit like daring a chicken to cluck! Yet the reason for saying it will become crystal clear this weekend.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005. SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22

If we choose to enjoy life, we enjoy it. If we long for a break and some telly time, it’s a different thing entirely when we find ourselves stuck in bed, with only a screen for company - even when TV marathons rank high on our list of ‘indulgent things to do’. Free choice is precious. We cherish it more than we realise. This weekend, a situation arises which causes you to contemplat­e not ‘what you’re objecting to’ but ‘why you’re objecting’. The more influence you have, the better you’re going to feel.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005. PISCES FEB 20 - MAR 20

There’s a big difference between travelling in a car with a welloiled, fully-serviced engine, and limping along in an old banger. The difference is even more pronounced if one vehicle has GPS, and the other relies on a tatty, coffee-stained map. Either way, you’ve got somewhere to get to. And, when you’re making headway of sorts, it’s hard to swap progress for consolidat­ion. But this weekend, consider how much better it would be if you made some fundamenta­l upgrades. You deserve a little comfort.

For your LATEST inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1900 959 005.

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