The Gold Coast Bulletin


- WRITE TO: P0 Box 1, Southport 4215 EMAIL: FACEBOOK:­ulletin

JUST when you think Peter Dutton couldn’t sink any lower he always goes out of his way to prove there is no limit to his human rights abuses. And what is even more gross is Malcolm Turnbull is right behind the sheer abuse of human rights being handed out by Dutton.

However, his latest effort surely must be close to the bottom, even for Dutton.


SO Mr Turnbull is getting energy suppliers to write us a letter. That is like beating them up with a wet lettuce leaf.

Here is me with a Masters and two other degrees and I still can’t even understand my highly complex electricit­y bill. How about starting there? I just want to see three components. A meter reading number, overall cost per kilowatt hour averaged out and the bill total. I don’t need two pages of indecipher­able figures.


JUST wanted to express my concerns over filling the black swan lake in Bundall. It is a beautiful area I’ve visited many times and have seen the equine area and the birdlife coexist.

I have not seen any evidence that the lake is polluted and have not seen any birds in ill health. The area is one of two wetlands on the Gold Coast and provides a sanctuary for birds to thrive without any natural predators.

I would love to see the natural beauty kept on the Gold Coast for generation­s to come.

It is listed as #2 on things to do in Bundall, and #30 for natural areas and parks listed on Tripadviso­r. It is noted that our natural areas feature very highly in the “Top 10 things to do on the Gold Coast” and I believe that many people travel to the Gold Coast in order to enjoy our natural areas. In fact, many internatio­nal visitors travel to the Gold Coast especially to see the Natural Bridge in Springbroo­k.

It is our natural assets we need to protect because if we develop the Gold Coast too much, tourists will not travel here, and our main industry will be affected.

My concerns are if the Black Swan Lake is filled in and is a grassed area, it will not be very well lit at night, inviting persons to the area to engage in illicit activities.

More of the public will have access to the horse stables. If the area is used for ‘kicking footballs’ or as an overflow carpark the extra noise will ultimately affect the horses behaviour and may affect their performanc­e on the track. Also, it is a narrow road leading between houses to the area, I can’t imagine the traffic chaos for people entering/leaving the park, considerin­g there is only room for one car. I.


I’M still wondering whether Turnbull is in contempt of the high court by declaring that he’s 100 per cent certain that Joyce Canavan & Nash will not be found to be dual citizens. Wouldn’t his statements possibly suggest that he already knows this, thus casting a shadow on the high court bench? I hope they are as angry as I am.


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