The Gold Coast Bulletin


The final opposition between Jupiter and Uranus is here. The first two arrived while making ‘T-squares’ - effectivel­y funnelling their dramatic energies of exploratio­n and revolution towards Pluto, the planet of slow, hidden transforma­tion. In this final


Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20

There are a myriad different ways to greet people. Customs vary across the globe. Whilst shaking hands is de rigeur in some countries, a kiss on the cheek works in others. These may seem silly convention­s, but they’re important. It’s awkward when you proffer your cheek for a second kiss, only to realise that the person has moved on to greeting someone else. It’s a matter of gauging the situation. Someone close to you is feeling ill at ease. You can read their subtle signals and make them feel at home.

Powerful changes are possible as Jupiter brings opportunit­y and inspiratio­n. Call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Have scientists missed a trick in the renewable energy business? Why has no one thought of simply attaching a small generator to each of us, allowing the energy we waste to fuel other aspects of our lives? We all expend energy, but it’s our mental and emotional batteries that drain most quickly. Those unnecessar­y worries take their toll. Yet, as Pluto turns direct today, just as Jupiter opposes Uranus, it doesn’t have to be this way. Save yourself from the inconseque­ntial. You’ll be astonished by the difference.

The planet of luck and good fortune brings positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


There’s chaos and upheaval about. Your ruler’s final opposition in the series with Uranus, planet of revolution, tells a tale of campaigns quickly and dramatical­ly rerouted, and changed. How lucky that you’re so adaptable! Few are more ideally suited to such situations. And, as long as you’re willing to ride the waves, rather than attempt to hold back the tide, you’ll sail through the challenges that this opportunit­y brings. What you’re now experienci­ng will open the door to a multiverse of possibilit­y.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


Yesterday, we talked about the importance of focusing on what’s in your power. If you asked any political mover or shaker they’d say that change is difficult to achieve. It takes many meetings. It takes prolonged campaigns. It is often galvanised by a unifying event which rouses the public mood and cajoles the establishm­ent into action. But today, you can take steps to get the ball rolling. Concentrat­e on small things and they add up over time. By doing what you can, you won’t need a drama to instigate the change.

The planet of luck and good fortune brings positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Imagine that you’ve been given the chance to drive a Formula One car for the day. You’re buckled in, and someone hands you Lewis Hamilton’s autobiogra­phy. You read about the thrills of racing, the fear of crashing, and the exhilarati­on of beating rivals. Then, you get out of the car, not having moved an inch. Not much of an experience, huh? Too many of your conviction­s have been based on second-hand informatio­n recently. But fear not, your own journey of discovery is beginning.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


If a neutral observer had the power to watch the entirety of your life, as though it were a film, what would they make of it? Would they be inspired and uplifted? Or bewildered and confused? Although we can’t change the past, we can shape the future. As you face a cavalcade of opportunit­ies, and the inevitable decisions that they initiate, try to think in terms of your grand, overarchin­g narrative. How might this decision be viewed when you look back on it? Make a choice that you can be proud of.

Powerful changes are possible as Jupiter brings opportunit­y and inspiratio­n. Call 1900 959 005.


It’s easy to think of ‘fate’, ‘the universe’ and ‘the planets’ as forces that exert their influences on us lesser mortals, and to whose will we must, inevitably, bend. Perhaps that’s partly because we think of them as concepts, Today, try thinking of yourself as the centre of the universe. Who’s responsibl­e for your fate, if it’s not you? Don’t be tempted to deny the extent of your power and influence. As your ruler forms a challengin­g aspect to Uranus, you’re free to make more choices than you realise.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.


Jupiter’s final opposition with Uranus represents a visit to the Last Chance Saloon. The gas giant planet won’t be drinking at your watering hole for much longer. So how can you most benefit from its presence, and be sure that the decisions you make are the right ones? Well, you can start by relaxing! The Saloon may be calling last orders, but it’s actually part of a chain of bars and nightclubs, many of which will be happy to take your custom. Rather than being the end, this is the beginning of a new chapter.

Powerful changes are possible as Jupiter brings opportunit­y and inspiratio­n. Call 1900 959 005.


Maps make journeys look simple. From a bird’s-eye view, most terrains seem manageable and traversabl­e. Down on the ground, though, with mountains, lakes, roads and rivers to navigate, what had appeared to be a walk in the park can feel like an army assault course. Life has brought you to a fork in the road, and you’re trying to assess whether you can put your faith in the informatio­n you have to hand. The Jupiter-Uranus opposition is a four-by-four, all-terrain vehicle made to tackle any adventure. Jump in.

The planet of luck and good fortune brings positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Was there a better way of handling that situation? Do you need to make amends for your decisions or omissions? Perhaps. But then, there’s no such thing as perfection. Mistakes don’t make you a bad person; they make you human! And as Jupiter and Uranus oppose, while Pluto turns direct, you’re being offered the chance to make a break from the past. You’ve got much to be proud of, and even more to achieve. By letting go of a troubling memory, you’re taking a bold step towards an unforgetta­ble future.

Powerful changes are possible as Jupiter brings opportunit­y and inspiratio­n. Call 1900 959 005.

OCT 24 - NOV 22

I once overheard an actress telling a bishop that people resort to euphemisms when discussing sensitive or controvers­ial topics! You’re no stranger to such subjects. But, you’re also blessed with an ability to cut through the rhetorical wordplay and speak loudly and clearly when something really matters. Which approach should you use today? Whichever will get the job done. Don’t allow yourself to be silenced by etiquette. But you don’t need to be naked in your ambition, either!

The planet of luck and good fortune brings positive change. Call 1900 959 005.


Are you dealing in cold, hard facts, or are you caught in dreams, visions, and aspiration­s? Sometimes, you have a tendency to let your mind run away with how things could be. The danger is that you can lose sight of how they actually are. And in the past, you’ve found yourself chasing the gold at the end of a rainbow, on a road that never seems to get anywhere. But that’s not the case now. Just double check that the change you’re making offers a tangible reality. This awakening is just what you need.

The sky is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. Call 1900 959 005.

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