The Gold Coast Bulletin


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Friday the 13th is supposed to be unlucky in some cultures. Since astrology is often put into the same category as superstiti­on, some people may be surprised that I give this notion short shrift. But, calendars were created by power-wielders, whereas astrologer­s study the natural world, the movement of the planets and the nature of humankind. Luck works in mysterious ways, especially now with Jupiter traversing Scorpio. And, as Mercury opposes Uranus this weekend, we may well be in for a surprise.


The world is a vast dance floor; we are the dancers, each learning new steps, pivoting around challenges, and trying to find the best partners to accompany us as we waltz and tango through life. As Venus moves into your opposite sign this weekend, you’re likely to be moving with exceptiona­l grace and fluidity. If you still feel you’re stepping on toes, it’s because you’re adjusting to a new technique. Your ability to perform with skill is linked to your confidence. And, that’s on the rise. Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

When we’re open to love we become vulnerable. The two come together, like a hand in a glove. Intense emotions involve risk. It makes you wonder why we bother! But, no matter how often we’re hurt – and vow not to gamble with our happiness again – we can’t help ourselves. Deep down, we know it’s impossible to find enthusiasm for life without passion and hope. You feel as if you’re paying a price for allowing yourself to care so much. But it’s going to be worth it.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


‘Enough,’ they say, ‘is a banquet.’ ‘Go too far,’ they also say, ‘and you’ll wish you hadn’t gone anywhere at all.’ Cainers have been writing horoscopes for more than three decades and, in all that time, we’ve kept a careful eye out, hoping to discover the identity of ‘they’! Meanwhile, let’s talk about moderation. It’s a fine thing, and you can’t have too much of it! Well, actually, today, you can. Mercury and Venus suggest you can feel free to be passionate this weekend.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


We get good at what we practise. If you sit down at a keyboard, and do your scales, you’ll become a better pianist. If you spend time in a garden, appreciati­ng the flowers, you’ll become a bit of a botanist. This concept works the same way with everything… even those habits we’d rather not be good at; like anxiety and impatience. You’ve been repeating a pattern that’s no longer necessary. By starting something new, and letting go of an old and tired routine, the changes will begin.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


We all know people who walk through life with blinkers on – turning a blind eye to things that challenge how they see the world. But the truth is that we all have limited perspectiv­e. It stops us accessing too much informatio­n, and overloadin­g with possibilit­ies and problems. We need time to absorb informatio­n so that we can understand it. The downside of this is that we sometimes fail to see the full picture. Keep alert this weekend; a valuable perspectiv­e can be gained.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


Lately we’ve talked more about what you can’t do than what you can. I’ve been stalling for time. As Jupiter, the planet of wealth and abundance, left the part of the sky that governs your long-term achievemen­ts, I didn’t want you to think it was taking success with it. Now, as Venus changes signs, it casts a delightful, different hue over your future. Caution and calm are still advisable, but are no longer the necessity they were. And your goals aren’t over-ambitious.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


People come to you with their problems. They seem to instinctiv­ely know that they can trust you, and that you will be able to help. You’re good at both having ideas, and actioning them. Your compassion is a strength. But, when you start to risk the quality of your own life, it can be detrimenta­l. You’re so generous with your time and energy that you’re finding it hard to fit your own life in to the time you have left. This weekend, it’s time to give some valuable time to you.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


When you find yourself grappling over an issue, it’s a sure sign that you don’t know all the facts. A sensitive situation is not quite what it seems. It won’t take much, though, to change your way of coping. You just need to summon up skills that come naturally to you. Like gentleness and kindness. A drop of patience will help too. If you find these qualities in your reservoir, you can help someone explain their fears. Then, you’ll find that a simmering problem can be swiftly resolved. Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


Yesterday we talked about staying cool. But what is heat? It’s evidence of an excess of energy. And energy is rarely a bad thing. There is, though, a reason why protective clothing is worn in laboratori­es. Experiment­s are often volatile. And, as Mercury opposes Uranus this weekend, there’s a sense that a ‘eureka moment’ is approachin­g. Rather than running naked like Archimedes, try to take what you’ve learned in your stride. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


We obviously enjoy the annual celebratio­n of the spookier, darker side of life - the shops are already filling with Halloween trinkets. Tricks and treats and ghoulish masks are a good excuse for a party. Internal spectres aren’t quite as easy to deal with, though. You’re being visited by the ghost of a particular­ly poignant memory. It’s hard to shake off, and making you feel sad. This weekend brings a selection of bright events to help you shift your mood. There are treats in store.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


Some people are so terrified of something going wrong on Friday 13th, that they won’t leave the house. On the other hand, I have friends who married on a Friday the 13th and, decades later, they’re still living happily ever after. I’m more interested in fortunes indicated by the planets, than by western civilisati­on’s calendars. But, then, I have more faith in civilians than I do in numbers! With Jupiter making itself at home in your sign, you have treats not tricks in store this weekend. Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.


Venus leaves your opposite sign this weekend and, although some astrologer­s interpret this as a loss, my prediction is that life’s about to improve for you. You’ve been feeling vulnerable and delicate recently. There has been a little bit too much irrational emotion in your world, and not enough reassuring explanatio­n. Now, as Mercury moves opposite Uranus, you can have the epiphany you’ve been waiting for. It’s not going to land in your lap, though. But, if you seek, you’ll find.

Don’t let Friday the 13th be unlucky for you. For priceless help, call 1900 959 005.

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